Sunday, 21 October 2012

Creating Titles and Journaling

Creating Titles and Journaling

The title of a layout is an important way to draw people in by quickly telling the subject of the page. While every page does not need a title, it's helpful to provide quick information about the pictures and to gain immediate interest in the rest of the information on the layout.

A title can be as simple as a person's name, a humorous play on words, song titles, famous poems, or the name of a holiday, event or place. Titles can be short, long, complicated, funny, serious, elegant, or witty. Because it's typically the first thing people will read, a title can set the mood of a page at first glance.

Titles can be decorated in very intricate and detailed ways or can be very simple and elegant. They can be big or small, thick or thin, curly or straight. They can be hand written or made using computer fonts, templates, stickers, charm letters, beaded letters, threads, etc. The look and feel of a title can be as varied as the paper you choose.

Journaling is the process of recording information that you want to remember. It is an important aspect of preserving your memories and past. Journaling is your opportunity to tell a story for generations to come. It is also a wonderful way to record your family's thoughts, hopes, dreams, likes, and dislikes. While it may be the hardest part of creating a layout, years later, it is usually the most interesting and valuable part.

When deciding how to approach the journaling for each page, consider what you want to remember about the event you are scrapbooking. While the who, what, where, why and when are certainly important to include in your scrapbooks, look a little deeper and write about the importance of the photos, the events, the people involved, the feelings that the photos evoke, and the things people said. Ask yourself questions to spark memories and stories that would make great journaling additions to your scrapbook. Did something exciting happen? How did it make you feel? Does the photo remind you of other things or people that perhaps aren't included in the photo? These are the sentiments that will be treasured forever.

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